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30 results
American Goldfinches and Thistle
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1936
Apple Blossom Sprays
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1941
Apple Blossom Sprays
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1941
Baltimore Orioles and Tulip Tree
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1938
Baltimore Orioles and Tulip Tree
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1938
Blue-Grey Gnatcatchers and Dogwood
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1955
Blue-Grey Gnatcatchers and Dogwood
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1955
Cactus Wrens and Prickly Pear
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1959
Cactus Wrens and Prickly Pear
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1959
Chickadees and Larch
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1938
Royal Worcester Porcelain Company
Hooded Warblers and Cherokee Rose
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1961
Indigo Buntings and Blackberry
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1941
Lazuli Buntings and Choke Cherry
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1962
Magnolia Warblers and Magnolia
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1950
Orange Blossom Sprays
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1947
Orange Blossom Sprays
Dorothy Doughty
c. 1942
Parula Warblers and Sweet Bay
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1957
Parula Warblers and Sweet Bay
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1957
Phoebes and Flame Vine
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1958
Phoebes and Flame Vine
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1958
Phoebes and Flame Vine
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1958
Phoebes and Flame Vine
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1958
Ruby-Throated Humming Birds and Fuchsia
Dorothy Doughty
Issued 1950